Side-Effects of Phenylpropionate

The side-effects of Phenylpropionate based anabolic steroids will depend on the steroid this ester is attached to; however, the actual side-effects will largely be the same, but it is their cause that will be the differentiating factor. For example, the Phenylpropionate ester is normally only attached to the Nandrolone or Testosterone hormone; with Nandrolone-Phenylpropionate we have a common steroid often known by the trade name Durabolin or referred to as NPP; the side-effects will be the same as Nandrolone-Decanoate often referred to as Deca-Durabolin. As for Testosterone-Phenylpropionate, you can find it in this single ester form, but most Phenylpropionate based Testosterone compounds will be part of a Testosterone mixture such as Omnadren or Sustanon-250; in any case, the side-effects will be the same with all Testosterone compounds. The ester does not affect the actual hormone or steroid in-regards to its direct function and traits, but rather affects its activity time and total molecular weight; of course, this can affect how the side-effects are displayed to a degree.

Primary Side-Effects:

The primary side-effects of both common Phenylpropionate compounds are virtually the same; however, it will be the hormones specific nature that determines the cause of the effects. Further, each and every one of the primary side-effects falls into the realm of possible, and that means for the healthy adult male each and every one is 100% avoidable with proper and responsible supplementation. Of course, there are underlying genetic factors that can come into play, and we will note where they could be an issue. With this in mind, we have listed the primary side-effects of both common Phenylpropionate compounds below, their cause and what you can do about them.


Testosterone-Phenylpropionate - due to this steroids high level of aromatization, the conversion of testosterone into estrogen - estrogen levels increase, and the hormone attaches to the receptor causing male-breast enlargement - in-order to combat this an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) is always best; AI's inhibit the aromatase process from occurring, and even reduce the body's estrogen levels; Anastrozole (Arimidex) or Letrozole (Femara) are your best choices - Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM's) such as Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex) can also be used; SERM's function by binding to the receptor in the place of estrogen; they do not inhibit aromatase or lower estrogen levels and as such are not always enough - AI's are your best choice

Nandrolone-Phenylpropionate -all Nandrolone compounds aromatize slightly, but only at about 20% the rate of testosterone - Nandrolone compounds also carry a strong progestin nature, and progesterone buildups can cause this condition - a progestin nature along with this mild aromatizing effect can make gynecomastia a real issue - once again, AI's are your best line of defense; they will inhibit aromatase and lower the body's estrogen and progesterone levels - SERM's will do nothing to protect against progesterone

Water Retention

Testosterone-Phenylpropionate - due to aromatization and the consequential buildup of estrogen - the same AI used to combat gynecomastia will combat water retention - if you use an AI and still hold water, it is possible your AI dosing is not high enough, but in most cases, it means you're probably overeating; especially carbohydrates - use an AI and control your diet and you will be fine

Nandrolone-Phenylpropionate - due to aromatization and the consequential buildup of estrogen - while there is not a lot of aromatase activity, it is enough to cause an issue - the same AI used to combat gynecomastia will combat water retention - if you use an AI and still hold water, it is possible your AI dosing is not high enough, but in most cases, it means you're probably overeating; especially carbohydrates - use an AI and control your diet and you will be fine - large progesterone buildups can also cause a problem, but by large we truly mean massive, and the odds of progesterone causing a problem in this regard is low and of no concern since you'll be using an AI

High Blood Pressure

Testosterone-Phenylpropionate - excess estrogen due to aromatase can have an impact, and once again an AI will help - the biggest factor will be your dosing and overall lifestyle - supplement with responsible doses and live a healthy lifestyle that promotes the continuation of a healthy reading and you should be fine - this is all assuming there is not an underlying issue such as a genetic predisposition to high blood pressure - if you already have high blood pressure you should not supplement

Nandrolone-Phenylpropionate - excess estrogen due to aromatase can have an impact, and once again an AI will help - the biggest factor will be your dosing and overall lifestyle - dosing will play a more important role here than with testosterone as high Nandrolone doses are notorious for causing high blood pressure - supplement with responsible doses and live a healthy lifestyle that promotes the continuation of a healthy reading and you should be fine - this is all assuming there is not an underlying issue such as a genetic predisposition to high blood pressure - if you already have high blood pressure you should not supplement

High Cholesterol

  • Testosterone-Phenylpropionate - excess estrogen due to aromatase can have an impact, and once again an AI will help - the biggest factor will be your dosing and overall lifestyle - supplement with responsible doses and live a healthy lifestyle that promotes the continuation of a healthy reading and you should be fine - this is all assuming there is not an underlying issue such as a genetic predisposition to high cholesterol - if you already have high cholesterol you should not supplement - ensuring your diet is full of omega fatty acids is advised; omega fatty acids will increase your HDL cholesterol levels (good cholesterol) and as HDL levels can be lowered due to supplementation this is necessary. Further, increased HDL levels will improve your LDL levels, as HDL cholesterol largely regulates LDL cholesterol

  • Nandrolone-Phenylpropionate - excess estrogen due to aromatase can have an impact, and once again an AI will help - the biggest factor will be your dosing and overall lifestyle - supplement with responsible doses and live a healthy lifestyle that promotes the continuation of a healthy reading and you should be fine - this is all assuming there is not an underlying issue such as a genetic predisposition to high cholesterol - if you already have high cholesterol you should not supplement - ensuring your diet is full of omega fatty acids is advised; omega fatty acids will increase your HDL cholesterol levels (good cholesterol) and as HDL levels can be lowered due to supplementation this is necessary. Further, increased HDL levels will improve your LDL levels, as HDL cholesterol largely regulates LDL cholesterol


Most all anabolic androgenic steroids suppress our natural testosterone production to one degree or another, and these two Phenylpropionate based steroids make no exception. In this case, suppression will be total; 100mg of Testosterone per week for a few weeks will lead to total suppression, and one 100mg injection of Nandrolone will suppress 100% of your natural testosterone production. As a result, as testosterone is manufactured in the testicles your testicles will atrophy; they will lose some of their fullness. If you supplement with Nandrolone-Phenylpropionate, it is imperative you supplement with some form of exogenous testosterone; the form you choose does not matter so as long as you're providing your body with what it needs, but Testosterone-Phenylpropionate can be an excellent choice. As for testosterone supplementation, there is no risk of a low level condition; after all, you're providing your body with the testosterone it needs.

Once all use has been discontinued, your levels will still be suppressed, but one all the exogenous steroidal hormones have cleared your system your natural testosterone production will begin again, and your testicles will return to their normal size. Of course, you will not immediately be back to your previous levels, this will take some time, and for this reason a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan is advised if you're going to be off-cycle for 8 weeks or more; this 8 week period does not include the 5-6 week PCT plan. A PCT plan will stimulate natural testosterone production and ensure you have enough testosterone to function properly while your levels continue to naturally rise. It must be noted; this testosterone recovery is assuming you did not suffer from a low testosterone condition prior to supplementation, and that you did not severely damage your HPTA during supplementation with improper practices.

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